The perception of audio cues, or auditory is recognised as an automation process. This was recognised by a group of psychologist who studied about sound and sleep in the Northwestern University in Evanston. According to them, sound may enhance your memory while sleeping. Then, they conducted some experiments with 2 groups of people. The first group of participants were asked to memorise a computerised-image associated with sound. For example, a picture of a dog, along with some barking sound, infront of a computer. They were asked to nap later. The barking sound was played for them to listen when sleeping. The results of analyses have proven that the first group could remember better than the second group.
Caption: sleeping
Sound is something important, that will enhance a person's memory. The same theory applies to scent. A group of scientist at the University of Lübeck (Germany) found that people were usually better at remembering objects belonged on a computer screen with the scent of a particular object which they had smelled during the learning task and when sleeping. The two scenarios above were proven to be useful to boost a person's sleep learning capacity.
In fact, sleeping is something very important for human. Sleeping is usually a process for us to continue our healthy life. It is a natural restorative cycle that allows our body to rest properly by regenerating itself, so that it can continue to function appropriately. Therefore, taking a nap in the afternoon is healthy for you. A researcher at the Loughborough University (UK) who studied about sleep as a part of his research, suggests that a 10 minutes sleep will enhance performance. This applies to overtired drivers, and could save plenty of lives. On the other hand, computer game players who dreamed about that particular game during their sleep would play the game better in the next day, compared to other players. A brief explanation is that their mental effort increases as soon as they dream of something, and so, sleeping do improve our learning capacity. Although a short nap is useful, but do remember to NOT ignore long sleep. There are various research suggest that long sleep may improve memory performance.
Caption: stages of sleep
My traditional understanding of NOT sleeping enough often refers to the delay of growth rate. Since young, everyone have been telling me that sleeping late / insufficient sleep may cause our body to not grow well. In fact, there are many research proven that sleeping late may become obese. The research by a group of researcher in the Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland, in Ohio) found that 15 per cent of short-sleeping women have grown fat compared to other people (click HERE to read the PDF). In other words, there are possibilities that the sleep deprivation effect may increase your weight rapidly! Anyway, the lack of sleep is usually hazardous. Some people recognised the lack of sleep may cause grumpiness. A research from the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) found that the person who had lack of sleep may usually feel groggy. They could not perform simple mathematical calculations!
Caption: the hippocampus
By the way, how will sleep improve our memory? In psychology, our working memory is usually associated to the hippocampus (click HERE to read more about the hippocampus). The memory improvement is referred to the transferring of information from the hippocampus to other brain regions (cortex) while sleeping. Here is a depiction of our brain: when we were sleeping, our short-term memory will transfer information to the hippocampus (long-term memory). The information will be processed in the long-term memory, and sent to the cortex after processing. This explains why sleeping will improve our memory. Other evidence include a reveal from the psychologist of the University of Kansas Medical Centre (Kansas). The psychologist believes that sleeping may enhance the motor region in our brain (a component that deals with muscles control; i.e. eye-movement, limbs etc.).
How many hours do we need to sleep everyday? Well, this is an important question. According to most health journals, childrens (age 10 and below) do need 11-12 hours everyday. At age 10, we need approximately 9 hours of sleep a day. For most adults, 7.5 a night appears to be the best amount of sleep. Elder adults (age 55 or more) usually need 5 hours of sleep a day.
TL's Journey of Life
Sometimes, I was wondering how human brain works when a person get excited when they heard some jokes, whilst start laughing? In fact, humour is an important understanding to human psychology, especially when jokes require a tremendous amount of brain power and mental activities where a human can never fully understand how joke usually works. Many neuroscientists have used numerous methods to pin down how the brain react when a joke tickled us. However, why some jokes are extremely humorous to some people, but the same joke leave others cold.
Caption: laughter
Caption: brain regions
So, what is joke? The Cambridge dictionary dictated joke as : "something, such as a funny story or trick, that is said or done in order to make people laugh ". Since jokes are meant to be funny, if so, how can we explain cold jokes? A researcher from Durham University (North Carolina) also suggests that jokes will aim at human ability to make rapid judgements about a situation. The question here is which section of human brain deals with these processes.
Caption: fMRI machine
Caption: fMRI detector
Some neuroscientists from New Hampshire utilises the functional Magnetic Resonance Imagine (fMRI: is a system to monitor the blood flow the human brain), monitoring human brain when watching movies. They revealed that our left posterior temporal gyrus and left inferior frontal gyrus in human brain handle jokes. That is also the brain region that linked to language and attention. On the other hand, this section of the brain has some relation with the motor output (movement of limbs), associating with the reward processing. This explains the pleasure you attain, moving your limbs etc. when you get a joke. The correspondence level of limb movement also depends on the humour level of that particular joke.
Caption: ventral striatum
Caption: prefrontal cortex
Caption: cingulate cortex of the brain
The ventral striatum is a section of our brain that deals with rewarding. By the way, there were 4 major senses in a human: (1) eye - vision (2) ear - auditory (3) touch - tactile and (4) nose - olfaction. This ventral striatum controls the olfaction (also known as olfactory), the sense of smell. Recent research indicated that the olfactory strongly involved in tongue activities. It means that our tongue may stimulate the olfactory senses. Different rewards such as drug, sex and other entertainments (i.e. music, movies) are involved in this region of the brain. Though humour (or joke) is way more complex compared to other primeval rewards such as sex and food. Why? Mainly because activities such as sex only involve circulation of information within small sections of brain regions (such as the ventral striatum) but jokes usually involve other brain regions also, such as the frontal and cingulate cortex. Things are usually more complex and complicated when it involve circulation of information within many brain regions! The brain sciences unit at Cambridge (UK) indicated that jokes are basic reward for a person, but are strictly important to a person's survival.
Caption: the left prefrontal cortex
Senior research Watson suggests that the process of a particular joke may circulate differently to a men and women. This means that both men and women may perceive a joke differently. There are research that focuses at this topic, stating that women will show greater activity in their left prefrontal cortex than men. This means that you require more effort to make a women laugh than a men. In fact, women show greater response in their limb movement than men. This suggests that women do feel a greater sense of reward. The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (vol. 102) suggests that a person's personality is also important in the contribution of jokes. It was stated that there were more reward responses in an average person (average by mean of extrovert and emotionally stable). By the way, the left prefrontal cortex handle different cognitive abilities such as language, memory processing and other more significant activities dealing with stress and other more complex mental processes (also known as the executive function).
Many future research are aiming at the rewarding system as they do believe that the reward system is disrupted in depression, and could be interesting to see if this deficit extends to more complex processing such as humour. They are also looking forward on similar research dealing with austism since people with autism have difficulty understanding comedy.
Do you know:
Why human yawn? Most research suggest that the lack of oxygen in our brain or the lack of fresh air causes a person to yawn. Well, that was true at some points. However, recent research has proven that yawning is coordinated to the social behaviour of a group. This means that when a person yawn in a bus, other people will start yawning very soon. This may be due to the human ability of detecting and responding to other people's yawns.
There are few types of proteins; animal proteins are those that comes from animal products and vegetables protein that comes from vegetables, particularly green vegetables. In chemistry, the amino acid is a molecule that builds up proteins. There are 8 amino acids with which a person's body need for different functions. If any amino acid components are missing, then the protein sunthesis in our body will significantly be reduced. However, if we consume any foods that has all components of the amino acid, then that particular food is called a complete protein. Most vegetables does not have all amino acids. So what a person usually do is to consume different vegetables in order to attain all amino acids for their body. For instance, grain is low in methionine (an essential protein for body nutrition) but pulse contain sufficient amount of acid amino. Therefore, consuming both grain and pulse together are important.
Caption: protein and water
Recently, there are some evidences from some medical journals, stating that proteins may heal a damaged brain. A group of scientist uses laboratory mices for their experiments and analyses. They compared brain injuries of 2 groups of mices: (1) laboratory mice and (2) controlled mice. They spend 7 days and discovered that mices with brain injuries have much lower amino acids compared to controlled mice. These amino acids are usually found in protein-rice foods because proteins has the ability to build muscles. Their experiments also proven that sufficient level of amino acid have caused mices to perform better on learning tasks. This means that protein may have the ability to increase a person's intelligence in learning. The differences of human and mices will probably aimed at their hippocampus (read more about brain and hippocampus by clicking HERE), particularly a person whose brain was damaged. It will usually affect their excitement level! This means that lack of protein may also affect our excitement when doing something.
Caption: protein synthesis
Protein is an extremely essential component in a person's body. It usually deals with building tissues, nerves and bones. Protein will also help in building muscles (evidences from the above), organs, blood, skin, hair and nails. Therefore, a bad skin quality may inform you the lack of protein in your body. Body proteins are usually broken down when converting into energy if your body has insufficient carbohydrate or fats. Therefore, it is a very useful component, acting as a substitution of carbohydrate. People will usually go for protein drinks when dieting, rather than eating massive amount of carbohydrates (i.e. rice and noodles). Excessive amount of proteins that is not needed will usually convert to fats by our liver, and stored for future usage.
Caption: protein pyramid
Enzymes are made off proteins. Enzymes has a function that breaks down fats and carbohydrates in our body. Those are usually known as the digestive enzymes. A part of that, proteins are also useful for our immune system. We know that antibodies are needed to fight against bacterias and viruses. However, do we know that these antibodies are actually made up of proteins? Maybe consuming some protein drinks or foods enriched with proteins are useful when a person is ill?
Caption: some examples of protein
Here are a list of protein sources:
1. Lean meats: organic chicken
2. Fish: organic oily fish such as salmon, sardines, haddock and cod.
3. Pulses: chickpeas, lentils, beans, soya beans, tofu and miso.
4. Eggs: chicken eggs
5. Dairy products: milk (goat's milk is easier to digest than cow's milk), cheese, yogurt and fresh cream
6. Saturated fats: butter and palm oil (but try not overconsuming them, else it will lead to high cholestrol level), omega-3 and omega-6 fats (the omega fats are needed for brain functioning, hormone activity, proper metabolism, healthier skin, hair and nails). omega-6 fats are usually attainable rfom seeds (i.e. sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds) and nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, apriccot, macadamia nuts). Only saturated fats like coconut are acceptable and are appropriate to be consumed regularly.
7. Unsaturated fats: olive oil and avacados.
Caption: protein structure
In conclusion, protein may heal brain injuries / damaged. However, the researcher has no specify what kind of damage it will heal. Brain diseases such as tumor and stroke are famous brain diseases that causes brain damage. If so, will consuming protein heal it in long-run?
The world smallest surgeon was developed with the intention of crawling into our body whilst performing surgery. This 1.4 cm beast is sometimes known as the nanobots that has the potential of swimming through the blood. These robots usually take tissue samples and deliver drug for our body through vital human organs such as the ear, eye and lungs. It also has the capability to install other medical devices inside our body.
Caption: medical robots
Caption: the robot in our retina (eyes)
Caption: the actual size of the medical robots
This is how surgery works with the medical bots in the future. Instead of operating our body with large incisions before performing surgery, the surgeons only need to insert a 1 cm device into our body, particularly for surgery related to stomach and gall bladder. The surgery with the medical robots are proven to help in reducing blood loss, surgery pain and increases the recovery speed. This special device could form a snake by connecting 15 of its similar piece simultaneously. The purpose is for hard-to-reach area in our body. One other speciality of the medical robot is that it could perform stitching from the inner part of our body.
Caption: heart lander
A similar but different device to the medical robot for heart surgery, namely the heart lander has been developed. This device has one purpose, that is to deliver minimal invasive therapy to the surface of our beating heart. It is a special device used particularly for cardiac therapy. In other words, this device will help in reducing necessary damage accessing to our heart. The heart lander is twice the size (3 cm) of the medical robot specified above. The main benefits of using the heart lander is: (1) the price is affordable (2) the motion of our heart beat will not affect the operation of the device (3) it does not breach the lung space, and (4) the device could monitor the specific section of our heart, in the exact location.
Caption: future surgery robots
The heart lander is monitord by a surgeon through an external monitor (called the X-Ray video machine), controlling the movement with a joystick. Alternatively, the device has enormous sensors that could detect and navigate its own path to that particular spot in our body. Recent research as reported by the Innovation Journal, stated that the first testing was successful with pigs. A roboticist suggests that these medical robots should be available for use by surgeons in the next 5 years.
Do you know:
A medium-glass of orange juice will ruin a person's diet since it usually contain 200 calories (considering the amount of vitamin C and some other vital nutritions containing in it). Therefore, please make sure the orange juice is freshly squeezed from oranges as cheaper brand orange juice mostly contain unnaturally high levels of sugar.
Serenity12 years ago
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