Do you know:
Recent studies have shown that couples who have sex regularly will look younger by 10 years than those who don't; this does not concern your particular age.
TL's Journey of Life
Is it really possible to determine the gender of our unborn baby during pregnancy, or do we think all these concerns fate? One of the greatest Greek philosopher, Aristotle (a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great) believe that the wind direction will determine the sex of unborn babies. But do we really have to trust Aristotle's philosophy? I personally do not believe in fate for baby genders since I still trust the advancement of science and technology in this context, more than anything else. Why? Few years ago, written clearly on the newspaper, it says that a group of scientist from Malaysia is developing a machine that will allow us to choose our baby genders. I do not really know how this machine work because their project was aborted by the Malaysian govenments.
Caption: babies
There are various child-gender prediction methods available, but is there any science behind them? It all depends on how you trust these philosophies. Very briefly, any pregnancy mothers who do not suffer from morning sickness will usually expect a baby girl. However, the opposite is also considered as true. Mother's who usually suffer from severe pregnancy sickness will more likely have a baby girl. However, in Sweden, there is a research analysing many pregnancy womens suggested that womens who suffered from sickness (approximately 44 per cent of them) giving birth to baby boys compared to other 56 per cents. In separate studies, they found single mothers (who suffered from divorce/death of their husband) have greater possibility in giving births to baby females. The result of the research has proven that mothers who lived with their partners will have a 5 per cent greater chance to give birth to baby boys. In other words, pregnant mothers who suffer from mental illness (not happy) should have the same outcome.
Caption: pregnancy mother
There is a traditional and simplistic method used to predict the baby's gender; that is by measuring their heart beat. If the fetus's heart rate exceeded 140 bmp (beats per minute), then the baby is more likely a female. Alternatively, a baby boy's bmp is usually below 140 per minute. However, medical sciences had proven that the heart rate decreases by mid-pregnancy and increases again at 8to 10th week, rapidly (usually exceeding 170 bmp). On the other hand, a study also reported that a group of research uses the ultrasound technology to measure the fetus's heart beat and found that the average heart rate of girl was around 151 and 154 for guys. So, I believe the heart beat measurement will only work during early pregnancy?
Caption: fetus
Though there were no concrete evidences from sciences proving that eating habbits can change the baby's gender, thus mothers usually have bigger appetites. So, if they are carrying a baby boy, they will usually eat more than usual when carrying a baby girl. Indeed, the authors of the previous study admitted that the difference in appetite is not striking enough to predict the sex of a baby with accuracy. Some research suggested that the mysterious thing called "female intuition" were also proven effective to predict baby's gender. Ridiculously, either gut feeling or a dream, 60 per cent of the women from the previous study were able to predict the sex of their babies. Some predicted from the shape of their tummy during pregnancy; if the shape is sharpen plus oval, then the baby is predicted to be a female.
Caption: eating habbits
Eating habbits are important. It will not determine the babies gender, but at the very least, it will contribute in assisting your body to conceive the baby gender that you prefer, and I believe a 50 per cent rate for this. Recent research suggest that breakfast are particularly important. For instance, foods rich of potassium will contribute in helping the mom to deliver a baby boy. Here is a list of foods rich of potassium: bran wheat, soy, dried mixed fruits, tomato puree, figs, papadums, raisins, baked potato and skin, and wheatgerms. Banana's are considered as fruits rich in potassium. Experts suggests that mothers who NEVER skip breakfasts will delivered more boys than those who skipped breakfast. I personally suggest breakfast cereals. They are not only healthy, but also considered as food rich of potassium. Some articles also written clearly that mothers who consume more meat (potassium) will have a chance of delivering baby boys, than those who consume more vegetables. Acidic foods that will raise the chance for mothers to conceive a female baby are: asparagus, olive, green pickle, brazil nut, white rice, lentils and peanuts. This also means that well-fed mothers will give birth to males and less well-fed mothers delivering females. This was proven when researchers conducted some experiments with hamsters, and the conclusion suggested that underfed hamsters tend to deliver more females while hamsters not restricted on diet do not.
Caption: sexual intercourse
Other approaches involves the timing of sexual intercourse. An article reported that having sexual intercourse as close as possible to ovulation will allow the maleness sperm to fight meeting the egg. The second alternative approach is douching with water and vinegar to produce an acidic environment for the female for a female baby, and by douching with water and baking soda to make the environment more alkaline for a male baby. We now understand that males referred to alkaline whilst acid referred to females. According to the Cambridge dictionary, douching means to put a liquid, usually water, into the vagina in order to wash it or treat it medically. Lastly, adopting various sexual positions may also increase the chance of conceiving a baby boy, i.e. rear-entry sexual position for having a baby boy and missionary position for producing girls. Missionary position refers to a position for having sex in which a woman lies on her back and her partner is above and facing her. If unsure with the positions, then do check it out on google for a picture of those sex positions mentioned above.
Do you know?
Smoking can lead a person to dementia? Dementia refers to some serious loss of brain abilities in a normal person. In other words, nicotine contained in cigarettes increases Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's disease happens when the brain becomes riddled with (1) amyloid protein (increases the production of amyloid protein plaques) and (2) tangles of tau proteins. This means that smoking will subsequently reduce the two important components in human body. Although some previous studies suggested that tobacco helps the reduction of the Alzheimer's disease, however recently studies have also indicated that smoking actually increases the risk of Alzheimer's.
Brain is the most complex chemistry kit in human body. Due to this fact, many psychology researcher, particularly neurology and cognitive psychologists, started to analyse human brain so they could understand the brain more proper. This mechanism only require steady supply of glucose to function properly (click HERE to read about proper brain foods). In other words, the brain may only absorb glucose as food and nothing else. Human brain consist of 5 main regions; prefrontal, frontal, parietal, occipital and the temporal lobes. Other sub-components of the brain include: cortical, medial, central nuclei, lateral, basal, accessory basal nuclei, executive function etc., but will not be discussed in this post.
Please click on the diagrams to enlarge its size.
Anyway, here is one piece of information to remind everyone before writting this post. There is a research written very clearly that fatness gene will reduce the efficacy of the brain. A group of scientists suggests that people with the FTO gene (fat mass and obesity gene, or fat people) had 8% lesser volume in their frontal lobes and 12% lesser in the occipital lobes. Elder obese adults usually have smaller brains and so, will more likely to develop dementia. Why? Because our brain can only accept blood foods through the blood vessels from the body. If the fats in our body slow down the flow of the blood from flowing to our brain, the consequence is killing the neurons. So, people, try to stay away from being fat.
Caption: human brain
Caption: general view of the human brain regions
I am sure many of us are curious about these function of these brain lobes. What do these brain lobes do? How could we interact the brain and functioning of our body? In this post, I will briefly explain the function of these brain lobes with some diagrams in the below.
Caption: visual
The back section of the brain, the occipital lobe controls human vision. When human perceive information with their eye, the information will travel along the eye (perception) and reach the back of the brain. This is the brain region that deals with brain processing. Anyway, the information will be passed on to many other brain regions to be analysed into edges, forms, colours and positions. Overall, the occipital lobe only deals with visual processing.
Caption: auditory
Caption: left and right brain hemispheres
The auditory cortex of the brain deals with sound analyses. The auditory cortex is located somewhere in the temporal lobe. However, the temporal lobe does not deal only with sound; it also deals with visual perception and analyses. This is why the temporal lobe is an extremely important brain region dealing with information perception. Anyway, the auditory cortex analyses the frquency and location (i.e. which ear, distance etc.) of the sound. Since human brain is splitted into two, the left and right hemisphere; music is analysed mostly by the right hemisphere whilst speech mostly on the left.
Caption: touch
Touch, formelly known as sensory or tactile is one of the five human senses, controlled by the somatosensory cortex. Shown in the picture above, the somatosensory cortex laid on the brain surface around the parietal lobe, and has formed a complex map of human body. The somatosensory cortex also deals more with the most sensitive body parts (i.e. fingertips, toes, lips, genital areas) than lesser sensitive body areas.
Caption: sense
Caption: cerebral cortex
Caption: top-view of the olfactory bulb
Smell and taste important part of human senses, and are usually analysed in the lower region of the prefrontal lobes. This brain region also analyses the olfactory bulb. Olfactory is another term used to represent scent. The olfactory bulb is also the most forward region in the brain, dealing with scent receptors and nerves. On the other hand, the olfactory bulb connect directly with the emotion area, though are less analytical. If you look closely at the diagram above, the olfactory bulb is connected to the thalamus. The thalamus is situated in the midbrain. It deals with relaying sensation, special sense and motor (limb movement) signals to the cerebral cortex, along with the regulation of consciousness, sleep and alertness, and most importantly, it help direct our attention and behaviour.
Caption: speech and language
The two brain areas controlling speech analyses, on the left side of the brain, analyses basic sound frequencies. The two areas are controlled by the cerebral cortex, and are located next to the auditory cortex. The two brain modules, (1) Wernicke's area deals with language comprehension (i.e. the understanding of written and spoken language),and (2) Broca's area is responsible for speech articulation (production). The motor region is intentionally used to control and coordinate the physical process of limb movements (i.e. moving hands and legs), but is also important in the process of speaking. For instance, mouth and tongue movements.
Caption: planning and decision-making
The prefrontal and frontal lobe regions deal with planning and plotting of ideas, and decision-making. These two regions are highly developed more in human than in other animals. These complex brain areas formulate calculations and cognitions, particularly important for intelligent thought. This is why humans are recognised as the most intelligent living being. These components store information about past rewards, what they like and not. They also have a working memory, allowing human to keep and process serveral ideas in the mind at the same time (i.e. multitasking).
Caption: social interaction
The lower region of the front section, the prefrontal lobe controlled our ability to interact socially with other people. The prefrontal lobe deals with complex social emotions, controlling emotional traits such as empathy, guilt, trust and other behavioral control. If the stems in this region are damaged, then human will keep doing inappropriate things, such as criminal and psyhopathic.
Caption: memory
The three types of memory; short term, long term and the episodic memory are controlled by the frontal region of our brain by both frontal lobe and the prefrontal lobe. Specifically, the prefrontal lobe deals with immediate recall of informations. For such, we should thank our prefrontal lobe for allowing us to immediately answer simple questions like 100 + 100. The prefrontal lobe also controls the working memory of our brain. Working memory deals with the three major human memories, and is associated with the hippocampus. The hippocampus govern our long term memories, such as places we went, things we have done and so (click HERE to read more of the hippocampus). Numerous research suggest that the hippocampus is also associated with directions. If so, a person with strong long term memory should have a strong sense of direction. There are some research explained that the long term memories and factual information, gradually shifting around our brain and so, the memories should be analysed by 2 additional brain regions, that is the temporal lobes and frontal lobes. The cerebellum is also an important brain region that store memories of how to conduct different activities.
Caption: emotion
Emotion is probably the hardest component to understand in the human brain. Emotion is primitively connected to the region of the brain called the limbic system. The limbic system lies somewhere in the below of the cerebral cortex. The limbic system is connected to the amyglada, a brain component which controls every aspects of emotion in a person. It is also the brain component producing adrenaline. Adrenaline is a hormone produced by the body when you are frightened, angry or excited, which makes the heart beat faster and prepares the body to react to danger. The amyglada component was heavily debated, when some psychologist believed that this component is not necessary when dealing with human emotion. Anyway, the limbic system has connections with all senses. The limbic system has a very direct link to unconcious reactions such as guts and instincts.
Caption: body functions
Caption: spinal cord
The brainstem in our brain controls our body functions, such as heart beat rate, blood pressure, the release of hormones such as adrenaline, and other basic activities such as breathing, sleeping and walking. The brainstem is located somewhere on top of the spinal cord (look at the photo in the above).
Caption: problem-solving
The anterior cingulate cortex in our brain govern all forms of human behaviour. The anterior cingulate cortex is linked to the limbic system (emotion). This is why it will decide which behaviour is appropriate for us, and how we should react at different scenarios. The anterior cingulate cortex will also monitor our problemss, such as conflict, errors and pain.
Caption: limbs and movements
In psychology, the movement control term has been replaced by motor. Motor represents the movement of limbs. The control of body movement is a complex process. It recruits several brain regions. For instance, we will first plan to walk to "somewhere". The planning process takes place in the prefrontal and frontal lobe. Then, we start moving our leg to that destination. That process involves the motor cortex next to the frontal lobe. Sometimes, walking towards the girl we love involves a different brain components, a part from the three (prefrontal, frontal and motor cortex). The basal ganglia controls the motivaton to move and its coordination. However, the damage of this brain component will result in Parkinson's disease. However, when a person has the Parkinson's disease, most of the time, the cerebellum region of his brain is damaged too. The cerebellum stores routine patterns of movements. Movement also needs continuous feedback from our senses. In other words, body movements will involve many regions of the brain.
When was the last time your mobile phone ran out of battery? Will you feel annoyed when your mobile phone turned off automatically due to the lack of battery while waiting for an extremely important call? Anyway, here is the good news. Nokia Finland filed a US patern of phones that will automatically recharge itself by harvesting the energy from the owner's motion.
Caption: example of a charging phone
Nokia suggests that the mobile phone itself will collect energy from different sources such as the ambient radio waves/transmitter circuit emitted by antennas, Wi-Fi transmitters, and the battery - these are well supported on a sturdy frame. This frame can move along two sets of rails, allowing it to travel up and down, or to the other side to side. The stips of crystals at the end of each rail, moving the phone and the motion will generate the energy (or electricity) for that particular phone. Nokia's goal is to harvest a lot of energy power (50 milliwatts of power?) to keep the battery fully charged at all time. The Nokia research lab at Cambridge (UK) is currently working on a prototype mobile that would eliminate the traditional cell phone charger - an auto-recharged phone.
Serenity12 years ago
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