Truthfully, I am writting this post for an extremely important person around me, and so, I will just write some facts that I think is really important for you. I am not here to nag you. Instead, I am here to help. The only way I could help you is to provide you some insight of what gives you a healthier life. Why? The fact is that I truly care about empowering everyone around me, particularly my family members, relatives and friends to be healthier with their lives. For that, a healthy life is often raise within our hands, and that aimed at the foods and drinks that we consume everyday.
Caption: water
I assume everyone know what water is. The combination of the two chemical substances, hydrogen and oxygen are extremely important for our body. Water covers approximately 70% of the earth surface, so does human body. The question here is, how much do we understand about water, particularly the importance of water for our body?
Caption: some disease: migraine
You may find this briefly through conversations with any medical doctors. Thus, they will advice the same explanation: water is extremely important for your body because it helps to flush the toxics off your body. Water is classified as a natural remedy. Drinking plenty of water do cure almost ALL types of diseases, ranging from minor to serious diseases. Water is also a transporter that helps your body to transport nutritions from one part to another part of your body.
Water can lower the incidence of the following diseases: Headache (migraine), body ache, heart system, arthritis, fast heart beat, epilepsy, excess fatness, bronchitis asthma, TB, meningitis, kidney and urine diseases, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, piles, diabetes, constipation, all eye diseases, womb, cancer and menstrual disorders, ear nose and throat diseases. It has been a tradition for most Japanese to drink two cups of water every morning, before breakfast (and before brushing their teeth). The first cup of water should flush those mucus sticking in our intestine out of our body and the second cup of water should absorb by our bowel. In other words, please drink water on empty stomach because it was proven scientifically that it could cure these diseases (stated on the above) in a rate of 100%. Even our body muscles and brain consist of 75 percent water. This means that a reduction of water in our body may lead to diminishing of body functions, particularly in the digestive system, and lack of energy in both body and brain power. You may sometimes realize a slow reaction time in your body if lack of water. Water also play an extremely important role in every component of body tissues. In other words, without sufficient amount of water, our body will produce the following problem in: digestion, assimilation, elimination, metabolism (or dieting), respiration and body temperature.
Caption: tap water
Tap water may not be the best source of water for every human although it is easy to get. However, it is not ideal since tap water contain undesirable elements such as chlorine, aluminium, floride, oestrogens and of course copper. However, these water may also contain lead if the water pipes are leaded. Besides that, the addition of copper in tap water may lead to inbalances of our body if ingested. Therefore, filtered water is highly recommended. As long as the water is filtered, e.g. jug filters, fitted water filters, reverse osmosis (RO) filtered water etc., then these water should be safe to drink or consume.
Caption: you need 2 bottles of these waters a day (1 litre per bottle)
So how much should I drink on daily basis? Experts recommended 2 litre of water a day. Two litre by mean 8 small glasses of water. Approximately 2 litre of water a day is highly recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO) since we have to take into account that heavy exercises, e.g. gym, yoga etc (this may include sweating) may result in significant water loss. So, drinking plenty of plain water is definitely beneficial. Remember, 2 litre of water does not include tea, coffee, alcohol and soft drinks because these are dehydrating and can lead to nutrient loss. However, fluids such as herbal teas and vegetable juices are esecially useful and should be counted as daily water intake. It was proven that the mineral content of vegetable juices will stay longer in a person's body and thus, better for hydrating the body cells. There are other possibilities to get away from drinking water, that is to consume foods with high fluid content. Some foods contain lots of water, i.e. fruits and dark green vegetables.
Remember, you can never underestimate the importance of water in our body!
6 years ago
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