Apple has announced to release the next version of iPhone (3GS) very soon, by 19th of June this year. The design of the iPhone has remained the same but the software has been improved drastically. According to Apple, this new iPhone uses the OS 3.0 and provide at least 100 new features, which would significantly benefit users who aimed at mobile phones technologies.
Caption: iPhone 3GS (i)
Caption: iPhone 3GS (ii)
There were few important features upgraded from the current iPhone version. Since there were at least 100 new features, I will only specify the few main features in this upgraded version of iPhone. The images were copied from the Apple's official website.
Caption: digital compass
(1) A digital compass emerged the 3GS with the reason of aiding Google Maps. I think they going to utilise the digital compass for other purposes in the future, at least in other applications.
Caption: 3-Megapixels camera
(2) Apple just boosted the camera of the iPhone, from 2.0-Megapixel to 3-Megapixels. Additional features of the camera include auto focus. This is an extremely important feature of a mobile phone. T3 suggest the auto focus function "brings that element (i.e. person) into focus, but tap away from that object - like the background". This feature is mechanical rather than software, so the current iPhone (not the 3GS) will not has the possibility to upgrade this function. Although the camera in the 3GS will not have a built-in flash, however Apple has worked hard to increase the quality of the photo produced during low-light situations.
(3) Apple has improved the function of the video recorder. T3 indicates to "load the camera application, and slide the new toggle from photo to video, and then push the red 'record' button. Video will start recording instantly, at 640 x 480, 30fps, and 30fps". On the other hand, the user may edit the video recorded and scrubbing the frames recorded individually. This function is relatively beneficial for people who love to record and edit video with his mobile, with the exception that once the frames are deleted, it will not be stored in the memory permanently.
Caption: voice recorder
Caption: voice control
(4) The 3GS would be able to recognise human voice with its voice control function. You may now ask your iPhone some simple questions such as "What time is it" or "What song is this" or perhaps more ambitiously, you may ask the iPhone to "Play unchained melody", and the mobile will fulfil the task automatically!
Caption: increase of performances
(5) Apple has upgraded the speed of the 3GS in performance. This means in performance wise, the loading speed etc. can be performed twice the speed than the current iPhone. Thought the weight is 2 gram heavier, but this is not an important aspect at all.
Caption: accessibility
Caption: efficiency of searching
Caption: cut, copy and paste function
(6) Other improved features include the accessibility of the mobile for focus group (i.e. disabled users), more effective in searching method for friends in the phone book, and the 'cut, copy, paste' feature that would significantly contribute to people who uses the mobile for writting.
The iPhone 3GS will come in a both the memory of 16GB and 32GB, in either black or white in colour.
6 years ago
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