Do you dream? How often do you dream? A dictation from the cambridge dictionary, stating that dream is "a series of events or images that happen in your mind when you are sleeping". However, there are some facts stated that the term 'Dream' derived from the word Dreme, a term used for joy and music. Sometimes, it is very hard to explain brain works since human mind itself is complicated, and usually overloaded with massive information at all time. This is why human do dream even when they suppose to rest during sleep time. If you try to observe carefully, a person's eye ball will keep rotating when they are dreaming :O That is visible even when he/she closes his/her eyes while sleeping.
Caption: dreaming
In fact, many researcher stop focusing on certain factors of the creation of dream. They do not believe that dreams are expressions of our unconscious desires. In many cases, we are concious with our dream. This is why we sometimes dream of something we like. Some people think dream is meaningless, but some strongly againsts the statement. For me, I believe dreams are definitely not meaningless and not useless. Instead, I do treasure every dream I have had if that dream concerns my family members, and of course, striking lotto in the other day after dreaming is not exceptional :)
Caption: lucid dream
There are many types of dream.
Daydreams: Concious dream or imagination. You should have at least 70-120 minutes of day dream a day. As your mind begins to wander and your level of awareness decreases, you lose yourself in your imagined scenario and fantasy.
False Awakening Dream: Have you ever thought of waken up, doing daily activities and finally realized that it was just a dream? I usually have this dream when I start dreaming of writting :O
Lucid Dream: This is probably one of the most common dream. You know you are dreaming. When you wake up, you know this was just a dream, but you are usually happy with the dream. This is because you are able to control your dream. For example, in your dream, you know walking to workplace is tiring, so you controlled yourself to fly instead of walking.
Nightmare: Nightmare is usually disturbing. It causes you to feel anxious and frightened. We classify nightmare as post-traumatic Stress Nightmare. Research shows that most people who have nightmares regularly have a family history of psychiatric problems, are involved in a rocky relationship or have had bad drug experiences.
Recurring Dreams: Have you tried dreaming something for one section, and continuously dreaming of the same thing in the following day? This dream usually contained nightmarish content. Dreams may recur because a conflict depicted in the dream remains unresolved or ignored. In other words, once you solve the problem, your recurring dreams will cease.
Signal Dreams: This type of dream usually help you to make critical decision in your life.
Healing Dreams: Research shows that asthma and migraine sufferers have certain types of dreams before the attack. Your body are able to communicate with your mind through dreams. The dreams will inform you that something is not right with your body even before any physical symptoms show up. If you have this dream, please take good care of your health.
Prophetic Dream: This dream will help to forecast your future. One rational theory to explain this phenomenon is when your dreaming mind is able to explain bits of information and observation that you may normally overlook or that you do not seriously consider. In other words, your unconscious mind knows what is coming before you consciously merge the same piece of information.
Epic Dreams: The details of such dreams remain with you for months, or perhaps years, as if you just dreamt it again last night. These dreams possess much beauty, providing happiness and normally contain many archetypal symbology. When you wake up from such dream, you feel that you have discovered something profound or amazing about yourself or about the world. It feels like a life-changing experience.
Caption: dreaming
Dreams are interrelated to emotion. This means we can hardly understand how dream works because emotion is not easy to be explained since there is no direct attempt to explain emotion support in cognitive psychology. However, many new research believe that the amount of rapid eye movement during sleeping will determine the greater processing of dream in memory. But why is that so? I believe the amount of eye movement will allow us to relief powerful emotional memories without stress. That is why we keep what we observe or believe in the memory, but the emotion accompanying it gradually lessens.
This is exciting and I think it is important to understand the concept of dream. Dreams may usually be influenced by external factors such as scent. To those people who snore oftenly, the good news is that a person will not dream while snoring. There are some facts stated that most people will usually have a long and intense dream when they are trying to stop smoking and / or have some disease. Some articles stated that children of age 3 to 4 will not dream. Men usually dream more of their same gender. Women on the other hand will dream equally about men and women. Sometimes, a friend may say they do not dream. In fact, everyone dreams everyday. You might have forgotten what you dream but that does not mean you don't dream! In medical view, a healthy person will usually dream (though the understanding of dream in psychology suggest that the dreamer dream because he/she does not provide suffice rest to their brain). There may be a sign indicating the lack of protien if the person does not dream regularly. You might sometimes be able to tell what you have dream, but usually approximately half the content of the dream is forgotten if you are able to recall 5 minutes after the dream ends (or when you wake up). However, 90% of the content of the dream is usually forgotten if you are able to recall the dream 10 minutes after the dream ends. It is very normal thing for males to experience an erection (and female experiences increased vagina blood flow) when dreaming, even when they are not dreaming anything related to sexual. This simply means that "wet dreams" is a very common thing and may not necessarily coincide with overtly sexual dream content.
Of course, if you dream of 4-6 numbers, and striking the lotto (or jackpot) the other day, then that would be really great. I've read some psychology books, stating that dreaming is not good for a person. Guess that referred to the lack of resting for the brain. Therefore, do drink plenty of water every day. I heard that helps to relax your brain more.
6 years ago
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