This post was intentionally dedicated for two friends.
In this post, I will highlight some facts of nutritions with which pregnancy womens should consume during their pregnancy period. Of course, I will try to cover some restricted foods during this period. Please consult a GP (or doctor) for further nutriton and advices during pregnancy period.
Caption: pregnancy
Caption: pregnancy stage
Anyway, I have read some medical books of pregnancy, and those books suggest some facts for fertility. If you want to increase your chances of getting pregnant, you must consume more vitamins and minerals. The book stated this: "Take a good-quality multivitamin suppliment, and combined it with a wholesome diet". The book also suggest that fat is essential for fertility. It says that women need body fats in order to ovulate (a term used to describe the formation of egg in her ovary in which a baby can be formed). Women whose BMI (Body Mass Index) is 20.7 or below will have an infertile chance of 50%. This means they have difficulties in giving birth. Do not worry if your BMI is below 20.7 because you still the other 50% fertility chance. The ideal BMI level a women should have is between 23 and 24, for conception. This was what written in the paper. Therefore, please do not go underweight (and over weight). Anyway, here is a BMI calculator (click HERE). You need to key in your height (in centimetre) and weight (in pounds) to perform the calculation.
Caption: fetus
The BMI calculator is also useful, acting as a health calculator. According to the National Health Service (NHS):
For female
You are underweight if your BMI is below 19.1 (the lower the greater risk)
You are normal if your BMI is between 19.1 - 25.8
You are marginal overweight if your BMI is between 25.8 - 27.3
You are overweight if your BMI is between 27.3 - 32.3
You are severely overweight if your BMI is between 32.3 - 44.8
You are at high-risk if your BMI is beyond 44.8
For male
You are underweight if your BMI is below 20.7 (the lower the greater risk)
You are normal if your BMI is between 20.7- 26.4
You are marginal overweight if your BMI is between 26.4 - 27.8
You are overweight if your BMI is between 27.8 - 31.1
You are severely overweight if your BMI is between 31.1 - 45.4
You are at high-risk if your BMI is beyond 45.4
Caption: twin fetus
I am sure there are some minor issues related to pregnancy which we have understand already, that is the twin babies. If your (and your partner's) family tree do not have of any twins or triplets, then you will never have a twin baby. Please avoid giving birth in late 30s and 40s because that will subsequently increase the risk of breast cancer by 50 per cent.
Caption: pregnancy and water
I am aware that a mother should drink plenty of water during their pregnancy period since water is extremely important for their reproductive system, and is a natural remedy for many diseases. The usual recommendation is to drink at least 2 litres (around 8 glasses) of water a day. Vegetable and fruit juices are recommended. Please AVOID taking coffee (caffeine contained in coffee will increase the risk of conceive), alcohols and soft drinks as much as possible during the pregnancy period since these drinks are not good for your baby. Alcohol is not recommended for the father too since the alcohol-effect will have a probability in killing the number of sperms, subsequently reduces the fertility rate in the women. Besides that, consuming alcohol causes dehydration, leading to nutritient loss. Please also avoid smoking and drugs. Those are negative habbits for a pregnant mother.
An existing medical journal stated that mothers should AVOID taking large amount of vitamin A since too much vitamin A can be poisonous for your liver, particularly during pregnancy period. However, you can continue to eat green and orange-coloured vegetables / fruits (i.e. carrot, oranges). Emotional health is also impotant for fertility. Human, of course, are able to conceive during stress period, but this may result in several difficulties. There are evidences from previous research papers from the Harvard University Behavioral Medicine Centre, stated that too burden (or too much stress) will stop ovulation, and not able to ceonceive.
This are some rumors heard from some elder adults. They suggest to avoid consuming watermelon. According to them, watermelon might generate some negetive effects to the fetus, e.g. abortion. Please do not do heavy exercises (i.e. jumping, rolling on the floor, running etc.) during your pregnancy period. It may also cause abortion. In any cases, you definitely need to buy some new shoes during this period, guess to avoid slipping.
Caption: some fruits during pregnancy period
During pregnancy period, the mother should consume fresh fruits and vegetables. Before and during pregnancy period, the women should aim for 8 servings everyday. This include grains (i.e. brown rice, buckwheat, high-quality protien from organic turkey or chicken, some nuts, tofu, fish) and supply of good fats (i.e. sunflower and pumpkin seed, primerose oil and fish oils). Essential fats (i.e. avacados, nuts and oily fish) are necessary for the reproductive system in your body and is crucial for healthy hormone functioning.
Caption: food pyramid
There are a spectrum of essential minerals needed for a mother during her pregnancy period. First, she need iron, calcium, magnesium, folic acid, selenium, manganese, essential fats, zinc, probiotic bacteria and prebiotic bacteria. These are the main mineral components needed during the nine months. In addition, she need to consume foods which contains vitamin A, C, E, and some of the vitamin Bs (B complex components). Vitamin A is necessary during pregnancy period, but try not overdose. The below are examples of foods that produces such mineral and vitamins:
Folic acid: green beans, spinash, asparagus, brown rice, banana
Iron: eggs, fish, dark green-coloured vegetables, seaweeds, prunes
Calcium: seaweeds, natural yogurt, organic fish, broccoli, nuts.
Selenium: salmon, tuna, broccoli, garlic.
Zinc: seafoods, whole grains, dried fruits.
Manganese: seaweeds, nuts, whole grains.
Magnesium: dark green-coloured vegetables, nuts, vegetables, brown rice.
Essential Fatty-Acids: avacado, olive oil, nuts, fish.
B complex vitamins: brown rice, avacado, lentils, eggs, seaweeds.
Vitamin A (betacarotene): carrots, tomatoes, cabbage, spinash, broccoli.
Vitamin C: raw fruits (i.e. oranges and kiwi), any berries, broccoli, red pepper.
Vitamin E: olives, avacado, nuts.
Probiotic Bacteria: yoghurt, miso.
Prebiotic bacteria: banana.
Caption: the food chart
Of course, there are other foods (and fruits) suggested to increase the chances of fertility. Here are some examples: Avacados, almonds, figs, berries (e.g. strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries), pomegranates, brown rice, oats, seaweed, sprouted clover and sunflower, turtle beans.
Caption: breast-feeding
Breast-feeding. What is good about breast feeding? Because every mammal produces different quantity and type of nutritions (i.e. protiens, fats, minerals, vitamins etc.) in their milk, therefore, the most suitable milk for human baby is the milk from their mother. A medical book written that human milk contains at least 100 different compounds not found in formula (strongly required for the baby's brain development), which means there are never a better substitution of milk than the human milk for babies. The American Journal of Public Health reported that breastfed babies usually suffered 30 per cent reduction in illness in the first six months. Overall, human milk is good for babies for (1) reduces diarrhoea (2) colds (3) ear infections (4) vomitting and (5) fever. I am not sure of this, but rumors suggest that breastfeeding will tighten the mother-children relationship. Breast feeding is also essential for the mother to release necessary hormones whilst burning extra calories (reducing fats) and reduces mood swing or depression. I have ever read an article, stated that breast feeding reduces the risk of breast cancer. If your baby reject your milk (e.g. screaming), it means the mother is out of balance in her liver or probably causes indigestion. Please visit a GP if that ever happens. The process of breast feeding usually take place for only 6 months.
As a summary, women during their pregnancy period should consume:
1. Five portions of fresh fruits and vegetables daily. Stirfying and steaming are two recommended methods suggested when cooking the vegetables. Please drink freshly pressed vegetable juices.
2. You need plenty of complex carbohydrates (i.e. sweet potato, barley, green lentils, carrots, cauliflower, banana apples, berries, papaya, pears). You also need soluble fibres that you may get from green-coloured vegetables to prevent constipation (a very common problem during pregnancy).
3. This is probably the most essential advice. Please drink plenty of water. Expert suggests pregnant women to drink at least 8 glasses of filtered water everyday to maintain their hydration levels.
4. Consume more protien foods during pregnancy in your meal everyday. This includes: tofu, organic white meat, fish (make sure its organic fish), eggs, beas, and peas.
5. Consume essential fatty acids such as omega-3 fats. They are extremely important in pregnancy especially for your baby's brain and eye (vision) development.
6. Consume more calcium foods, such as natural yoghurt, dark-green vegetables, sea vegetables, tofu, almonds. Try AVOID high-volume calcium saturated dairy products such as whole milk, cream and full-fat cheese. Vitamin D is necessary for proper calcium absorption, but you can get this vitamin from the sunlight. So, make sure you go outdoor everyday for sunlight absorbtion (for vitamin D).
7. Consume some foods with iron. One source of high-iron food is red meat (i.e. beef). However, there are many alternatives for vegetarians or vegans, such as beans, lentils, chickpeas, eggs, dark green-coloured vegetables, raisins, prune juice etc. However, to increase your iron absorption, please consume food rich in vitamin C at the same time.
8. Consume folic acid foods, such as sprouts, brocolli, asparagus, peas and brown rice. You should consume 'some' healthy snacks to keep your sugar level balanced. Here are some examples: stewed fruits, dried fruits with nuts and seeds, oat cakes, yoghurt and olive.
Here is the summary of what pregnant womens should avoid in order to not harm their unborn baby:
1. Avoid consuming foods that may contain bacteria called listeria, such as cheese.
2. Avoid raw or partial cooked eggs as they may cause food poisoning. Also avoid foods made using eggs such as mayonnaise, salad dresing and ice creams.
3. Avoid uncooked meats. Also avoid liver products such as fish liver oils since they are excessively high in vitamin A.
4. Avoid certain fishes such as shark and sword fish. DO NOT consume more than two portions of oily fish (i.e. tuna, sardines) a week. The reason is because fish contain toxic metal that will harm your baby.
5. Avoid alcohol, coffee and cigarettes.
6. Avoid consuming peanuts if the babies siblings or parents have allergies to nuts.
7. Avoid fried and unhealthy foods that is too-fat, contain too much sugar, white rice, pasta, white bread, white pasta, and salt.
6 years ago
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