Been busy again, sigh! I think I have spend approximately one whole day, dealing with the template of the blog again. This time, I wanted something simple but nice. Therefore, I am quite satisfy with this template. Initially, I was planning to include something special into this blog, such as the shockwave / flash files to make this blog more interactive. Too bad, I have failed to do so :( Dealing with blog templates consume too much time. It is something very stressful. It is extremely annoying to sit in front of the computer to edit the HTML codings and uploading every image into Photobucket (Photobucket is an image hosting, video hosting, slideshow creation and photo sharing website, Yet, the speed of the connection over here is terrific! Could you imagine to only upload 2 images within an hour? How would you feel? :(
Anyway, I have send another chapter to my supervisor for reviewing a week ago, and received a reply from him: "Dear Hung, your work is fairly comprehensive, though I would be inclined some sections ...." and therefore, I re-worked based on what he suggested, and resend the chapter to him again. This process has been simultaneously on-going for some time now :( Writting a PhD thesis is an extremely boring process. You have to sit down very quietly to read and write all the time *fatigue mind* Anyway, this is an extremely effective approach to deal with dissertation/thesis writting.
Caption: printed every chapter and edit it this way
It is weekend again. My brother-in-law took a day off from his company on that day and asked us to join him shopping. Coincidently, I am free on that day, so we went out together. As far as I concern, planning for a wedding is such a chaos. This may include wedding planner, wedding invitation, groom/brides outfits, wedding photographs, buying wedding ring etc. Firstly, we went to Midvalley (a hyper-shopping complex with 430 shops on five floors, located near Bangsar in Malaysia) to this jewel shop called "Wah Chan". They were having some big sale for up to 70% discount.
Caption: an extremely hectic day at Midvalley
Caption: Roy is measuring the size of his finger
Although the price is really attractive, but the shape of the rings are not really cool to me. I still think they should keep looking for rings in other jewel shops since they still have plenty of time till their wedding day. So we went to floor 2 of Midvalley to shop around. Surprisingly, they have this "Bridal fair" on that day, and will only last for 2 consecutive days. The bridal shops are selling their services at at a very significant discounted rate. A normal wedding package can be discounted for almost 50% from its actual price.
Caption: the entrance of the bridal fair (i)
Caption: the entrance of the bridal fair (ii)
As usual, a person's attention will usually "get hooked" by the first shop near the entrance. That is true. My sister and her husband went directly to the first bridal shop located near the entrance of the fair. What attracted us to the shop is the staffs attitude. They are extremely polite and friendly to their customers (probably this is very normal). My sister forces me to explain why I said they have selected the right bridal shop. My fault :( Well, I don't really know. Instinct? Anyway, I replied: "probably some girls working there are cute, lol?". I was just joking.
Caption: Bridal shop called "TOMS"
Caption: my sister was discussing with the manager in the shop
I don't usually promote something, unless that particular 'thing' deserves promoted. The TOMS bridal shop located at SS2 in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia offered very good services. Both their manager (Mr. Jimmy) and the make-up artist (Miss Quinnie) were both very capable and experience. I am not being judgemental but Miss Quinnie is seriously a very pleasant person. If you plan to get married soon, please look for Miss Quinnie at TOMS (the staff who always has a pleasant smile in her mouth). I think they were able to explain something extremely well. For instance, if you ask me to define an orange. A normal person will only tell you the orange is an orange-colored fruit in a round-form. Whilst an experienced person like Miss Quinnie will explain it more thoroughly, such as a round-shape fruit that is juicy, and at certain time, it is sour due to the nitric acid contained in the fruit. Do you see the differences between the two person?
Caption: lucky draw
Caption: prizes
Spending approximately 3 hours speaking to the staff, both of them finally signed up one wedding package (I do not know the actual amount they have paid since I do not really observe that). Finally we can leave home, yay, lol. Suddenly, Miss Quinnie suggests anyone who have paid a deposit of RM 500 may have a chance to win the lucky draw at 8:00 PM. But the contestants must stay at the hall at 8:00 PM sharp. So if you win a prize and you were not there to collect it, then their participation for that lucky draw is considered as forfeited. That sounds fair to me, but when I looked at the time. Eww, only 3:00 PM. How are we going to wait for the next 5 hours? :(
Caption: a free wedding biscuit
Anyway, we went home for 2 hours, and went back to Midvalley at 6:00 PM. Well, my sister was out of luck on that day. She did not win any prizes. Anyone who have signed up for a wedding package are entitled a free wedding biscuit. Not bad isn't it?
Caption: my sister and Roy at Poh Kong
Few days later, Roy asked us out again. I can see his intention is to get a wedding ring for my sister as soon as possible. Not bad. From my understanding, there are many guy friends out there who do not even bother to walk into the jewel shop with his gf. At least Roy is not such a person :)
Caption: the 2 wedding rings they bought
I will just jump to the conclusion. Roy bought a RM 1K wedding ring and a near to Rm 5K diamond ring for my sister. The 2 ring looks okay to me, acceptable :) I even tried on different ring myself and wonder, "when will it be my turn to buy a ring for my wife?". An immediate answer appeared in my mind, that is, "not soon at all", lol. Nevermind, not important since something is much more important than marriage for me. At the same time, my mom bought a gold necklace for my aunt for her wedding. She is having her wedding soon, in a week's time (I will post that very soon). I can't believe the price of gold increases significantly. For instance, a gold necklace worth RM 500 in the past 12 years can be sold for RM 1, 300 or more today. Girls, can you accept a silver ring for your wedding? This is highly beneficial for your husband okay? Lol.
Caption: I tried on one wedding ring
Caption: sister has been trying on different wedding rings
Caption: gold necklace for my aunty's wedding
Caption: 3 carat diamond earring
Finally, before leaving the jewel shop, I saw this 3 carat diamond earring (1.5 carat each). If you look clearly to the image in the above, that 3 carat diamond earring cost RM 293, 000. WoW! Carat (or Karat in US) is a unit for measuring the weight of jewels. A friend told me a 5.5 carat diamond ring will usually cost USD 1 - 2 Million.
6 years ago
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