Could you believe, for more than 26 years (since 1984), since the HIV disease (also known as the Human Immunodeficiency Virus) was discovered, identified as the AIDS virus had spread around the globe, causing everyone to feel extremely worried when having sexual activities with different partners. AIDS was known as the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, an extremely fatal disease of the immune system with which transmitted through blood products especially by sexual contact or contaminated needles.
Caption: The structure of a HIV virus
Today, there is this very first vaccine that has proven to help protecting people from the HIV disease. It is the RV144 HIV vaccine tested on 16, 000 volunteers in Thailand. There is a quote stating as: "Is this the beginning of the end of HIV/AIDS?". Well, it seems that way to me. Although previously, these scientists tested with many volunteers in 2003 and 2007 using a similar kind of so called 'HIV vaccine', but it failed. If so, do you think this RV144 vaccine will work out in 2009? The answer is "probably" since it require many vaccines (not only this one) againsts the HIV virus.
Caption: a representation of the HIV virus
Does this mean that people should start getting excited about it? Although the reduction of HIV risk is not significant, only around 31%, the test was made mainly for males. This is not the case that made scientists loosing their hope. What really caused the scientists to lose hope is that the possibility that the vaccine will never work! Why is that? The mutation of the HIV virus is a continuous process. This means that even the vaccine is injected in a person's body, that person may subsequently be vaccinated only at that time (early stage). The HIV virus may mutate again without them noticing again, or probably multiply its amount and damaging the immune system. On the other hand, HIV virus usually attack white cells which has a function to protect the immune system from invaded by different diseases. Previously, scientists produces the STEP vaccine trial, hoping to work againsts the HIV virus. Though, the STEP vaccine trial only help our body by generating extra white blood cells for HIV virus to infect, making the situation worst.
Caption: a structure of the HIV vaccine
They conducted some experiments with the new vaccine with 8000+ volunteers. The result have proven that 51 volunteers of 8000+ was infected. The new HIV vaccine is extremely powerful, especially when combined with additional protections such as with condom. Investigators of the new HIV vaccine is still analysing the samples from volunteers, and hope to reveal a further outcome. This vaccine was produced through a combination of (1) Alvac: a harmless form of virus, and (2) Aidsvax: a type of protein found in the surface of the HIV. The hope is that the immune system in our body produces more white blood cells that recognises the viral proteins whilst self-producing antibodies to fight againsts the HIV virus in combat. The overall concept of this vaccine is to produce a barrier, protecting the white blood cells from invaded by any HIV viruses. At the very least, the new HIV vaccine is safe to use, and will not produce any side effects.
6 years ago
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