Do you believe there is one hotel floating in the sky? I received some emails from different people, with a bunch of pictures, showing the new machine which had combined a hotel and a flying machine. I don't know if it was real! Some said the hotelicopter is real, and some said is hoax.
Caption: the Hotelicopter
Caption: front view of the hotelicopter
Caption: hotelicopter in the sky
I think if this machine is real, then it may probably the first ever sky-hotel in history. Well, the content of the emails written very clearly that the Hotelicopter contained 18 luxurious and unique rooms that will seriously enhance customer's living experiences :O
Caption: bedroom
Caption: a luxury room
Truthfully, I keen to deny that the images are real, since it looks quite fake. I personally have been dealing with some 3D generating softwares such as Animation Master and 3D Studio Max, and so, I do believe that such software would be able to generate high quality 3D graphics. These images looks more to graphics than real machine. What do you think? But, who knows if this might be some prototype from some flying machine companies? Overall, it looks extremely cool to me, either graphic or if this is a real flying machine!
Caption: inner section of the hotelicopter
Caption: washroom
By the way, I even found a hotelicopter short video clip from youtube (below).
Caption: short video clip of the hotelicopter
But how much will it cost to travel from one country to another in the hotelicopter?
6 years ago
wow, I hope this hotel would be true, it looks so nice... haha but I am wondering the price would be VERY HOT too
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