This is the 5th time going to the chinese doctor (the 2nd chinese doctor). First, they said the bone in my wrist has been dislocated. That is fine, they twisted my hand so many times, suffered for plenty of times now, but the fact is, they have cured the dislocation now. Thank god.
Acupuncture is a type of therapy is to promote health and alleviate pain and suffering. I heard it is a type of concepts for vital energy, energetic balance and energetic imbalance. For many years, this treatment has been vital and validated by chinese medical centres all over the world. Okay, let me get back to the story.
Since this is the 5th time visiting the chinese doctor, he suggests that the bone twisting method is no longer effective. He told me that "uncle will use a different method, a more effective one, using needles". The acupunture treatment is when the doctor uses is a method similar to how western doctors used to monitor the blood flow in the blood vessels, except western doctors will use different digital technologies (i.e. x-ray, ultrasound, etc.) for monitoring whilst the acupunturist will use some needles for monitoring. The doctor added, "this is not going to be painful" and gave me a smile. Well, it is not painful then. Come on, please do itr quick, because its getting late, 10.30 PM at that time. The first needle 'slotted', approximately 0.1 centimetre on my wrist. Well, that is fine, not feeling painful at all.
Caption : first needle
Caption : first needle
Then, I told the doctor that I wanted to capture some pictures for blogging purpose. This is why I have a few pictures now. When he poked the second needle into my hand, I started to feel the pain. I screamed but he just ignored me.
When he placed the 3rd needle in my wrist, I started to have some tears. This is the second time in my life for crying over something poked into my skin (the first time is when the doctors injected a needle for hepititis b, sometime in twenty years ago). This is insanely pain. The doctor said that he will be leaving the needles there for 30 minutes. Imagine how would i feel when 3 eedles were sticked into my skin for 30 minutes?
Caption: third needle
Finally, 30 minutes had passed. Finally. But the doctor said that he need to poke the last needle (forth needle) somewhere because he was thinking something is definitely wrong with the vein in my wrist. So he plased the whole 3.0 centimetre needle into the skin near my wrist, and tried moving my vein.
Caption: a picture of vein in a persons hand
He tried to reposition the vein on my wrist. He tried moving his needle in my skin, moving the needle in and out, left to right. Trust me, please do not go to an acupunturist. Either he do not know anything about acupuncture (my uncle went for acupuncture treatment somewhere and he feel no pain at all, instead, he feel relaxed) or my situation is very special. Anyway, a few minutes later, he removed the forth needle and asked me if it is still painful, lol? Hell I would say yes. I believe by saying "yes, I still feel painful", he will start 'messing' my vein with more needles. Sigh, actually I feel worst becase I feel the increment of pain in my hand than before meeting him.
The following day, I went to my family doctor. After several test, he believes that I need to visit a neurologist and not just a normal doctor. Then, we went to a neurologist for further consultation. A neurologist is a person who deals with disorders of the nervous system, including their coverings, blood vessels, and all effector tissue, such as muscle. He suggested me to not go for an x-ray, instead should go for MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan. The MRI will be able to produce a very detail capture of my hand, including the nerve system on my hand. However, the MRI scan is very expensive (usually cost 20 times the price of a normal x-ray). Anyway, this neurologist said his initial scan has showed that it has nothing to do with the bone structure, instead, it has something to do with the vein and nerve system. There were lack of tissues in vein and in the nerve. He believe it is the stress that I have, causing this matter so serious now. So now, this has something to deal with the stress that possesses my brain, onto the nerve system. Firstly, he asked me to not move my right hand even for 1%, so typing (I can, with my left hand only, so writing journals and blogging will consume much more time now), driving, writting, etc. is prohibitted for the next 6 weeks :( However, that will only help to cure the vein tissues. He asked me to visit him again for the nerve system :(
I can not believe that the pain that I have been encountering was caused by so many factors, first bone dislocation, second the loss of tissue in the vein and third, the stress that I have, killing the tissues in the nerve system. Hopefully I will be fine soon. So students out there, especially music students, please do not give yourself too much pressure over studies and make sure to sleep on time (before 12.00 AM), and make sure you are sleeping at the right position.
In case *touch wood* you encountered similar problem, there do have several methods to treat it. Dr. Ru (the brain specialist whom I did specify in earlier posts) asked me to soak a clean cloth into hot water (60 degree celcius), dry it and cover the affected area of my wrist. He suggested me to do it for 2 times per day, (1) when I woke up early in the morning and again (2) before sleeping (simultaneously for 3 to 4 times, 30 minutes every session). That method will help removing abnormal tissues in the affected area.
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