Our brain is originally a complex chemistry kit, and so, psychologist usually define the brain as a mechanism. In fact, the balance of our brain is important and will determine the efficacy of the entire brain circulation, for such, the psychometrics (e.g. emotion and behaviour) and memory. I will explain few approaches to enhance the human memory in this post, but first, I will briefly discuss the human memory. You may also wish to read some facts of human brain (if you have not) in some previous posts from this blog (click here for: part 1, part 2, part 3).
Caption: human brain structure
Caption: Baddeley and Hitch's working memory theory, 1974
Generally, there are 3 major components of the human memory; (1) short term (2) long term and the (3) episodic memory. In fact, there are other types of memory, i.e. semantic memory, sensory memory etc. but those are associate memories to the three main components defined above. In brief, the short term memory is a temporary memory store in human that store memory for only 2 to 20 seconds. The long term memory is a long term memory store intended to hold a piece of information for more than 15 years upon rehearsal. An effective method to transfer the information from our short term to the long term memory is by rehearsal. There is a calculation for memory rehearsal: every piece of information will be stored in our memory for 8 minutes, and will be enhanced upon rehearsal. For instance, reading through an identical code for one time should be stored in your memory for 8 minutes. When you try reading through and memorizing the code again, the item will be stored in your memory for 64 minutes (8 x 8 minutes). Anyway, the episodic memory refers to the personal experiences memory, e.g. times of meeting, places of meeting, and other associated emotions. The three types of memories were later combined, are classified as the working memory by some famous cognitive psychologists, including Baddeley and Hitch theory in 1974. The prefrontal lobe will govern the short term memory store while the hippocampus will control the episodic memory. The long term memory is rather complicated. When we remember new information by repeating them simultaneously, our brain is actually passing the information between the few brain components, such as the hippocampus, amygdala and the cerebral cortex. However, these three components are not the only brain regions controlling the three types of memories since memory involves other brain regions, such as the temporal lobe.
Caption: the hippocampal region
Caption: brain regions controlling the three memories
By the way, the hippocampus deals with directions and the long term memory (click HERE to read more about the hippocampus). The amygdala incorprate memories and emotions. The cerebral cortex (also known as the outer layer of the brain) stores the long term memory in many brain regions depending on the information types, namely the language, sensory input, problem solving, decision making etc.
Caption: indepth view of human brain
Anyway, I will not continue elaborating human memory or this post will end up with few hundred pages, and the main objective of this post is the approach to enhance human memory and not explaining about the brain. Our brain usually utilises the chemicals (known as the neurotransmitters) to communicate with the rest of our body. There is a story which explained the difficulty of enhancing our brain memory. The story goes like this: if only our brain is a computer, we could easily upgrade the processor speed and RAM (random access memory). This means that improving human memory requires slightly more effort.
Here are some tips to improve your human memory.
The psychological view has suggested 7 principles to enhance a person's memory. Here it is: (1) brush up your memory by using them regularly. Novelty and sensory stimulation is the foundation of brain exercise. This means that the more you work something novel with your brain, the better you will be able to think and process. Learning new strategy is also important to enhance your memory (2) Paying attention is important because the paying serious attention to something will help the information to be sent to the hippocampus and flow to the appropriate memory store, so try not doing any multitasking (i.e. study in a quiet room) when concentrating (3) try to include other senses when concentrating is an effective way to enhance your memory. Try to relate the information in a varied way, involving other senses, e.g. smell, touch, taste etc. A mixture of senses such as reading (visual) an article aloud (auditory) were proven helpful to enhance your memory (4) relate informations you have already know may help you to generate new knowledge from old knowledges in your brain (5) external representations such as writting down an information somewhere (e.g. a piece of paper) are additional approach to enhance a person's memory (6) interpreting a complex material in simplistic form may help you to focus on something easier and (7) regular rehearsal is effective to increase your working memory capacity.
Caption: exercising
Here are some health habbits that were proven helpful to improve a person's memory (1) regular exercise will increase oxygen in your brain, reduces risk of diseases related to memory loss, such as diabetes and heart disease, and enhances brain chemicals for a better brain (2) monitoring stress is important since our brain produces cortisol (a hormone or plaque that damages the hippocampus region, click HERE to read more about cortisol). Usually, stress will not allow us to pay serious attention when concentrating something and so, we are not learning something (3) sleeping is important for memory consolidation and (4) smoking is strictly prohibitted since it may damage arteries that deliver oxygen to the brain.
Caption: water
Foods, drinks and nutrients are extremely important sources for brain memories. It is extremely important to NOT dehyrate your brain since water is the best brain booster (click HERE to read about water consumption). However, try steer clear of caffeine and alcohol, e.g coffee, wine etc. Those may mess up your emotion (including mood, behaviour and stress) and destruct your brain in a long term condition. There are some facts proposed by some nutrient experts, stating carefully that some vegetable fats (also known as trans-fats) may reduce the efficacy of a person's brain. Examples of trans-fats are fats found from margerine and low fat spreads. So try avoid consuming them regularly.
Caption: rich nutrient foods
Anyway, poor nutrition and lifestyle can easily upset the balance of your brain chemicals. If you have problems with memory, particularly loosing your mobiles, wallets etc. or forgetting a person's name repeatedly, or difficulties to memorize phone numbers after trying out for many times, then you definitely need some brain foods (nutritions) since these nutrients are extremely important and may help you to solve these problems. Here are some examples of brain foods you need for a healthy brain. Essential fatty acids, antioxidants, proteins and vitamin B are extremely important for your brain. (Click HERE to read about antioxidants. Click HERE to read more about vitamin B and B complex). Equaly of interest, though not conclusive, consume some foods with carbohydrate is essential. Carbohydrate will be converted into glucose, and is an extremely important fuel for the entire body organs, particularly brain memory. However, try NOT exceed the intake of carbohydrate (or glucose) or this may lead to some serious disease, e.g. diabetes. These are some foods examples treated as brain fuels: Salmon, tuna, sardines, chicken, lean white meats, tofu, eggs, avacados, spinash, peas, beans, berries, brown rice, whole grains, oats, barley, nuts and seeds.
Caption: the deficiencies of nutrients; stress
There are some special herbs and suppliments recommended by some food nutritionists. They are ideal components for brain memory enhancement.
1. Vitamin B (particularly vitamin B6 and B12) and folic acid are important to protect neurons from breaking down. These vitamin B complex are helpful to produce red blood cells by mean of carrying oxygen from one body organ to another. If you do not consume suppliment pills, then the best source of these vitamin B are dark leafy green vegetables such as spinash, brocolli, asparagus, and some other fruits including strawberries, melons, black beans, soya beans and citrus fruits (e.g. grape fruit).
2. Fatty Acids such as the Omega-3 are concentrated acids associated with the cognitive functions. These healthy fats are opposed to saturated and trans fats, and helps protecting againsts inflammation and high cholestrols. Best source of fatty acids include cold water fish (e.g. salmon, tuna and mackerel) and nuts such as walnuts.
3. Ginko Biloba is a herbal suppliment that was believe to be helpful to increase cognitive functions. It was known as the memory herb.
4. Choline is important to enhance a person's brain function, their mental acuity and neurological systems. Here are some examples of foods contain choline; soya beans, nuts, organic fish such as sardines, and organic eggs.
5. Lecithin may help to restore your brain creativity and thoughts. There are evidences stating that our brain are built up with 20 per cent of lecithin. Foods rich in lecithin are eggs, grains, soya beans and nuts.
Caption: the coverage of memory in brain
Elder adults are usually prone to the deficiencies of vitamin B12 and folic acid, so I strictly suggest to consume suppliments. Try buying Omega-3 suppliment if you do not like eating fish. Overall, water is still the best nutrient for our body and brain, when compared to all other nutrients, so please drink a lot of water every day. Anyway. I do hope that this guide will help some of you to enhance your brain memory, and do share it with all of us (i.e. tag board) on this blog if it work out for you.
6 years ago
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